Maybe. If you reinvest much of your income in your company, rather than taking it out as income, there’s a good chance we can qualify you for a mortgage using the gross deposits of business income over the last year. Or we can look at your retained earnings within your corporation. So it’s possible that you can qualify for a mortgage using income amount that’s greater than the figures stated on your tax documents.
For most lenders and banks, qualifying income is determined using line 150 in your income tax documents, averaged over the last two years. It can include dividend income, salary income from your T4s, and earnings from commissions.
For self-employed individuals applying for a mortgage, we can "gross up" your net income by 15 percent or use add-backs from your T1 General. If the above income is not enough for your mortgage needs, or if you’ve been in business for less than two years, we can attempt to use your earnings from as little as six months in business.
Though it varies by lender, you’ll typically need to provide:
No. All that matters is the total income for the year, though you’ll need to show consistency of income from year to year. Your income across the last two years will be averaged to help determine how much mortgage you qualify for.
Robinson Mortgage is owned and operated by Matt Robinson, a professional mortgage broker based in British Columbia’s beautiful Fraser Valley. Matt has helped countless people in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission and beyond navigate the process of finding financing for their home. Whether you’re buying your first place, consolidating your mortgage, or getting ready for a future purchase, Matt is your man with a mortgage plan.
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